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Bye-Bye January Blues!

Stunning photoWhen a client called me to keep him company on a lonely winter’s evening, I knew the perfect way to spice things up.

After the fun and excitement of the festive season, January always feels a little flat. If you’re a single gentlemen who’s feeling a bit down in the dumps, why not join the guys in the capital who are spicing up their winter evenings with a gorgeous escort? Myself and my fellow Chelsea escorts are the perfect antidote to your winter blues. In fact, just this week I was spending some time with a client who needed a little pick me up. I’m known for my caring nature and amazing skills of seduction, so there was no better girl for the job in Chelsea!

My client wanted me to come visit him at his apartment. Most of the time, men want to meet in hotels, but this isn’t too unusual. It’s a lot easier to relax in familiar surroundings, and as the escorts here at Elite have such a fantastic reputation, clients know that they can trust us completely. My client’s name was Tom, and he worked in the entertainment industry. His flatmate was still going to be away visiting his family until mid-January, so there was no better time for me to head on over and keep him company for the evening!

Tom had said on the phone that he was very much a leg man, so I chose a super-short dress that showed off my toned pins. He had also mentioned that he would be open to indulging in a little bit of sensory play, which is something that I really, really enjoy. So I slipped my handcuffs, blindfold and feather tickler into my bag too. After all, you can’t be too prepared in this line of work! Every client has different needs and I try to prepare for every possible bedroom scenario.

I arrived at Tom’s place a little before eight o’clock, and I was met at the door by a handsome young guy wearing glasses. He confessed that he wasn’t much of a ladies man, but I sensed a quiet confidence underneath that shy exterior – a confidence that was begging to be unleashed in the bedroom. We sat down on the sofa and begun to chat, and after a while, the conversation turned to what Tom would like me to do with him that evening. As I suspected, he wanted to have a little play with the goodies that I had bought with me.

We made our way to the bedroom, and in the doorway Tom kissed me. The tentativeness that I’d picked up on at the start of the evening was fading now, and I was breathless with anticipation. I told Tom to lie back on the bed as I stripped off, and when I was done, I lent over to secure his wrists to the headboard. We agreed on a safe word before hand – this is something that I insist on when indulging in any kind of kinky play with my clients. “Blindfold?” I asked him, teasing his chest with my feather tickler. “Please,” he gasped. Reader, who would I be to deny him that pleasure? So I reached into my bag, knowing that we had a long night of fun ahead of us.